Grade Levels: PreK-12
Enrollment: 34,746
District Type: Large Public
Number of Schools: 55
Caucasian: 42%
Hispanic/Latino: 44%
Asian: 7%
Two or more races: 5%
Black/African American: 2%
Grades using ST Math: Elementary
Keep Reading...By integrating this neuroscience-driven program across the district, educators have witnessed significant gains—not just in student engagement, but in measurable improvements like rising MAP scores. Beyond the games, teachers are using Math Puzzle Talks to spark mathematical discourse, deepen conceptual understanding, and foster student collaboration. This evidence-based approach is helping students build confidence as problem solvers while improving achievement. With seamless implementation and proven impact, ST Math is equipping students for long-term success in math. Hear from district leaders, educators, and students about how this program is transforming math learning—and how it can do the same for your schools.
Based on an analysis of Pickerington's 3rd, 4th and 5th grade performance on state tests before they started using ST Math (2014) and after (2017).